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We are pleased to share that Christ the King Catholic School has been Accredited for another 6 years! In the winter during the 2023-24 school year, we completed an in-depth self-study process that provided us with a solid plan for school improvement and a renewed accreditation status through the Western CatholicEducational Association (WCEA). This process included feedback from parents and guardians, staff, and faculty, as well as a visit from the WCEA with observations in the classroom and at school Mass, analysis of student performance data, and review of Catholic School Standards of Excellence.

Here are some key areas of strength the WCEA highlighted after their visit to CKCS:

1) Mission and Catholic Identity: The CKCS Mission Statement is used in all planning and is a visible part of the school’s presence in the community. Catholic values are infused throughout all aspects of the school.

2) Governance and Leadership: The Principal's leadership is exemplary. A strong collaboration exists between the pastor and the school principal, and the pastor is clearly supportive of the school.

3) Academic Excellence: Teachers are highly skilled at providing quality instruction and clearly have supportive relationships with students. CKCS offers a wide variety of enrichment opportunities for students.

4) Operational Vitality: CKCS has knowledgeable and reliable finance experts who oversee and advise. There is a strong financial commitment to technology support for faculty and students.

The goals identified after the visit are as follows:

1) Goal #1 - Mission and Catholic Identity: All faculty will meet diocesan requirements for catechetical certification within 5 years to provide effective religion instruction.

2) Goal #2 – Governance and Leadership: Provide professional development, oversight, and direction to support teachers in utilizing the diagnostic and prescriptive components of the i-Ready school-wide assessment and data in planning and implementing this platform as a tool to improve student learning.

3) Goal #3 – Academic Excellence: CKCS will identify specific clubs and programs to be implemented based on student and family interests and create a plan for implementation.

4) Goal #4 – Operational Vitality: Provide increased communication and transparency of school finances with all stakeholders through an annual report that outlines true cost per child and how it relates to tuition and the school’s three - five-year financial plan.

Thank you to all our CKCS stakeholders who contributed to the Accreditation process! Our faculty and staff remain committed to enhancing student learning and strive to achieve our improvement goals as we continue to build on all the great things that are already happening here at CK. 

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