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CKCS Lunch Program

Hot lunch with a salad bar is available each day for K-8th Grade students. The monthly menu is included with the weekly bulletin and posted on the school website.

Payment for hot lunch is by check payable to CKCS Cafeteria, and delivered to the school office. No money is collected in the lunch line. Accounts are set up by family. Delinquent notices will be sent via email when an account carries a negative balance. 

Students may bring a cold lunch from home. Milk is sold daily in the cafeteria.

Reduced prices and free lunch are available if a family meets requirements.

Lunch Prices
Kindergarten through 8th grade: $5.00 (includes a carton of milk-2% white milk or 1% chocolate)
Adults: $5.50 (includes a carton of milk or water)
Milk: 50ยข each or a punch card for 10 cartons for $5.00. No milk alternatives are available at this time.

All lunches must be ordered by 9:30am to allow kitchen staff time to adequately prepare meals. Students not in the lunch count by 9:30am will receive a cheese sandwich and the salad bar.

Guests can pre-order and purchase a lunch ticket at the school office.

*Nuts & Oil Allergies: Christ the King school does not serve nuts or nut products for consumption in our school lunch. However, some food items may be produced in facilities or with equipment where nut products are also manufactured. Although these facilities follow all proper precautions, we cannot guarantee that items are not free of peanut dust. If you have concerns, please contact our Food Service Manager, Celeste Pace at

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