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Welcome from the Health Room

Please call the main office to be transfered to the Health Room: 509-946-6158
Nurse: Annie Debban

Life Threatening Health Conditions: Many students have health conditions such as bee sting or peanut allergies, severe asthma, diabetes, seizures, or heart conditions that may cause a life-threatening emergency during the school day. These students must have a plan including medication and/or treatment orders in place prior to the first day that they will attend school. Please contact the Health Room for the necessary forms or information.

Are your kids ready for school? To attend school in Washington, students must show that they are fully immunized, or file an exemption with the school district. Make sure your children are up-to-date on their immunizations.

Reminder about Medications: All medications that need to be given at school, including prescription and over-the-counter medications (which includes medications like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, cough drops, vitamins), must be accompanied by an Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form. This form must be signed by both the parent and the physician/dentist. Medication cannot be given to your child without this completed form. Authorization forms need to be updated at the start of each new school year. Forms can be obtained by calling the Health Room.

Vision and Hearing: If you have concerns about your child's vision or hearing, please feel free to contact the Health Room.

Emergency Contact Information: PLEASE keep your contact information on file with the office up to date! It is of vital importance that we have yours and your emergency contact's information up to date in case of an emergency - we need to be able to notify you!

When Should I Keep My Child Home?

The most important thing you can do to prevent illness is for you and your child to wash your hands often with water and soap. Keep yours and your emergency contact information current at your school in case your student becomes ill at school. Questions? Reach out to your school nurse!

Fever: Does your child have a fever over 100 F degrees orally? Their temperature should remain normal (below 99.6 F degrees) for 24 hours without any fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
Sore Throat: Is the sore throat accompanied by fever, headache, stomachache, or swollen glands?
Vomiting: Has your child vomited two or more times in a 24-hour period?
Diarrhea: Has there been more than two occurrences in a 24-hour period?
Eyes: Are your child's eyes crusty, bright red, and/or discharging yellow or green fluid?
Nasal Discharge (yellow or greenish): Is there colorful nasal mucus that is accompanied by a fever or other symptoms of an upper respiratory infection?
Cough: Does your child have a persistent, productive cough?
Appearance/Behavior: Is your child unusually tired, pale, has a lack of appetite, difficulty waking up, or confused?
Rash: Does your child have a body rash not associated with heat, eczema, or an allergic reaction to medication?

If you answer YES to any of these questions, please keep your child home from school and consider seeking medical attention.

2024-2025 Christ the King Health Forms

Health Action Plan

Medication Authorization

It's Book Fair T