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Middle School 6-8

The Middle School at Christ the King Catholic School is composed of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.
Christ the King Middle School provides an outstanding Catholic education, enabling students to excel in scholarship, leadership, character development, and service.

Middle School students are issued a Google Chromebook. It is used in all academic areas. The Middle School students enjoy dedicated departmentalized teachers who instruct students rigorously across ability levels. Students participate in art, music, physical education, and library weekly. 
7th graders take an annual trip to Camp Orkila in the San Juan Islands as an outdoor learning environment experience. 7th and 8th grade students participate in a musical drama production. This year the CKCS drama department will put on Disney’s Moana
The 8th grade offers a Latin language elective.

6th Grade

-Find and/or create a pattern involving decimals, fractions, mixed numbers, or whole numbers
-Express one variable algebraic equations
-Identify range, mean and median
-Use and recognize mathematical language symbols and models

-Set up, organize, and use a series of notebooks to document understanding of topic studies through an inquiry-based, hands on approach to learning
-Understand and apply the Scientific Process through participation in the Science Fair
-Understand the Sun-Earth-Moon system, the planets in the solar system, and Earth's history as a planet
-Understand weather and climate through the study of atmosphere and weather patterns

-In-depth study of God's love as it is revealed in Sacred Scriptures
-Study of the Old Testament
-Appreciation of Salvation History
-Study of the chief prayers of the Church
-Overview of the Sacraments
-Study of the basic truths from the Catechism

Reading & Writing
-Poetry: figurative language and message
-Research Projects
-Structure and organization of a five paragraph essay
-Listening thesis, content development, concrete details and support, peer editing
-MLA format for citations
-Research presentations
-Latin and Greek roots
-Vocabulary: connotations and denotation

Social Studies
-Define the role of archaeologists, anthropoloogists, and other scientists in the study of early human communities
-Identify significance and contributions of early civilizations
-Describe ancient civilizations economic and cultural elements
-Identify the origin of the major languages of the world today
-Understand the development of, and relationship between, civic life, politics, and government
-Make inferences to help with understanding the people, events, circumstances of the history we read about

7th Grade

-Data and patterns
-Patterns with integers
-Rational numbers and probability
-Applications with geometry
-Linear functions
-Statistics application

-Set up, organize, and use a series of notebooks to document understanding of topic studies through an inquiry-based, hands on approach to learning
-Understand and apply the Scientific Process through participation in the Science Fair
-Understand the Sun-Earth-Moon system, the planets in the solar system, and Earth's history as a planet
-Understand weather and climate through the study of atmosphere and weather patterns

-Grow in the knowledge of God, ourselves, and the meaning of our existence
-Faith themes throughout the liturgical year
-Study of the New Testament, the Gospels, Jesus' life and miracles
-Study of the Catechism of the Catholic Church
-Knowledge and implementation of the Beatitudes
-Plan and participate in Common Service

Reading & Writing
-Original poetry wrting
-Formal academic writing concepts
-Thesis, use of quotes, relevant evidence, concrete details, and commentary
-Multi-media research presentations
-Quarter book projects
-Narrative Memoir
-Discussions and Socratic Seminars
-Vocabulary acquistion and word meaning in context

Social Studies
-Identify the 5 geographic regions of Washington State and the geological forces that formed them
-Learn the origins of the early inhabitants of the NW and their cultural contributions to the region
-Understand the progression of settlement, population growth and role in the economic and social development of Washington State
-Demonstrate an understanding of G.R.A.P.E.S-Geography, Religion, Achievements, Politics, Economics and Social Structure and apply it to studies of the civilizations throughout history
-Learn about the state, national and international developments that have helped to define eras in Washington State history for the 1800s to the present
-Analyze the role of government in the economy of Washington State

8th Grade

Eighth grade algebra is a high school credit class. Modeling and problem solving techniques are a special focus.
-Basic properties of Algebra
-Solving and graphing linear equations and inequalities
-Rational expression
-Quadric functions

-Science basics
-Motion and force
-Electricty and magnetism
-Atomic structure
-Chemical bonding

Eighth grade students are expected to grown in faith, virtue, and leadership throughout the year. Students will practice the Rosary, Liturgy of the Hours, and Lectio Divina. Topics covered include:
-Knowledge of the Faith
-Salvation History
-History of the Church
-The Sacraments and the Mass
-Moral Theology
-Theology of the Body Program

Reading & Writing
-Narrative Writing
-Literary Elements
-Critical Analysis
-Modes of persuasion (introduction)
-Essay and research paper writing
-Style analysis
-Expository Writing

United States History
Eighth grade students are encouraged to think critically about United States History through multiple perspectives in order to gain a deeper understanding of historical events and figures, and to translate that thinking to current events happening around the world.
-American Revolution
-The Constitution
-Era of Good Feelings and Expansion
-Civil War

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