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CK Virtue Pledge

As a Christ the King Catholic School Crusader, I dedicate myself and support others in living virtue. I commit to constructive thoughts, words, and deeds, and when faced with challenges or conflicts, I will find solutions that cultivate virtue.

Weekly Virtues

The essence of Christian discipline is formation in virtue. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The goal of a virtuous life is to become like God.” (CCC 1803)

Preschool through 8th Grade students focus on a virtue each week. The purpose of this is to increase our knowledge of virtuous behavior and help us to live the virtues daily, and recognize when we need virtue.

September 2024

September 2-6
Moderation: Attention to balance in one’s life.

September 9-13
Obedience: Assenting to rightful authority without hesitation or resistance.

September 16-20
Generosity: Giving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others.

September 23-27
Orderliness: Keeping oneself neat and clean and one’s belongings in good order.

September 30-October 4
Trustworthiness: Acting in a way that inspires confidence and trust: being reliable.

October 2024

October 7-11
Prayerfulness: Being still, listening, and being willing to talk to God as a friend.

October 14-18
Foresight: Consideration of the consequences of one’s actions: thinking ahead.

October 21-25
Circumspection: Careful consideration of circumstances and consequences.

October 28 - November 1
Respect: Speaking and acting according to one’s own and others rights, status, and circumstances.

November 2024

November 4-8
Loyalty: Accepting the bonds implicit in relationships and defending the virtues upheld by Church, family and country.

November 11-15
Patriotism: Paying due honor and respect to one’s country, with a willingness to serve.

November 18-22
Prayerfulness: Being still, listening, and being willing to talk to God as a friend.

November 25-29
Gratitude: Thankful disposition of mind and heart.

December 2024

December 2-6
Hope: Desiring God above all things and trusting Him for personal salvation.

December 9-13
Humility: Awareness that all one’s gifts and talents come from God and appreciation for the gifts of others.

December 16-20
Patience: Bearing present difficulties calmly.

January 2025

January 6-10
Affability: Being easy to approach and talk to.

January 13-17
Magnificence: Doing great things for God.

January 20-24
Respect: Speaking and acting according to one’s own and others rights, status, and circumstances.

January 27-31
Perseverance: Taking the steps necessary to carry out objectives in spite of difficulties.

February 2025

February 3-7
Modesty: Purity of heart in action, especially with regard to dress and speech.

February 10-14
Magnanimity: Speaking with confidence to do great things in God: literally “having a large soul."

February 17-21
Magnificence: Doing great things for God.

February 24-28
Fortitude: Enables one to endure difficulties and pain for the sake of what is good.

March 2025

March 3-7
Self-Control: Regulating one’s emotion, thoughts, and behavior when faced with temptations and impulses.

March 10-14
Humility: Awareness that all one’s gifts and talents come from God and appreciation for the gifts of others.

March 17-21
Sincerity: Trustfulness in words and actions; honesty and enthusiasm towards others.

March 24-28
Moderation: Attention to balance in one’s life.

April 2025

April 7-11
Prayerfulness: Being still, listening, and being willing to talk to God as a friend.

April 14-18 
Kindness: Expressing genuine concern about the well-being of others, and anticipating their needs.

April 21-25
Temperance: Enables one to be moderate in their pleasure and use of material things.

April 28-May 2
Loyalty: Seeking to do one's best to help others: following rules; fulfilling responsibilities; being faithful to commitments.

May 2025

May 5-9
Generosity: Giving of oneself in a willing and cheerful manner for the good of others.

May 12-16
Meekness: Serenity of spirit while focusing on the needs of others.

May 19-23
Gratitude: Thankful disposition of mind and heart.

May 26-30
Love: A settled disposition to do good for others; a disposition to be self-sacrificing, compassionate, and just. 

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