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Elementary School K-5

Elementary School at Christ the King Catholic is for Kindergarten through 5th grade students.

Students are offered curricula to meet their needs as individual learners. Students work through a challenging academic curriculum that is integrated with the values taught by the Catholic Church. Each classroom is a community built on the teachings of the Catholic Church and virtue-based discipline. They receive art, music, physical education and library all taught by specialists. 4th and 5th grade students use school-issued Chromebooks to assist in their learning process.

Our Reading Interventionist works to meet the individual needs of some students. Small group work or individual work is provided during school hours for students based on teacher referral or testing.

Grade Level Assessments: Individual assessments are conducted periodically throughout the year for progress and reporting. CK uses Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) as a standardized form of assessment that compares individual student progress and school-wide progress against national performance trends, in the areas of English Language Arts, Math, and Science.


-Counting within 100, one to one correspondence Pattering.
-Comparing numbers and sets of objects within 10
-2D and 3D Shapes
-Teen numbers and place value
-Sorting and Classifying objects

-Force and Motion
-Sunlight's effect on the Earth's surface
-Plant and animal survival needs
-Weather and weather patterns

-God Loves Us
-All About Me Family
-Holy Family Trinity
-Jesus' Life
-Bible Stories
-Golden Rule
-Advent/Lent Prayer
-Annual age appropriate service project to support and connect with the community

Reading & Writing
-Phonological/phonemic awareness
-Reading and Writing high frequency words
-Blending sounds into words
-Reading stategies and fluency
-Narrative, informational, and opinion writing
-Express ideas on paper through words and drawings
-Use letter-sound knowledge to write independently

1st Grade

-Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction using place value
-Add and subtract within 20
-Tell and write time to the hour and half hour
-Reason with 2D and 3D shapes and their attributes
-Recognize and identify coins, their names and their values

-How do living things stay alive and grow?
-How can we predict when the sky will be dark?
-How can we light our way in the dark?
-How can we send a message using sound?

-God created the world
-By being loving, sharing and caring we demonstrate God's love
-Recognize that the church is where communities gather to praise God
-Learn about and participate in the Liturgical year
-Understand that god will always love and care for us
-Gain knowledge of, and memorize grade level prayers
-Participate in weekly Mass

Reading & Writing
-Ask and answer questions to determine meaning of text
-Explain major differences between stories and informational text
-Vocabulary acquisition and use
-Know and use various text features
-Production of Narrative, Informative, Explanatory, and opinion types of writing

2nd Grade

-Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction using place value
-Extend the counting sequence in base 10
-Measure lengths in nonstandard and standard units (in, mm, cm)
-Represent and interpret data
-Recognize and identify coins, their names and their values

-How do living things stay safe and grow?
-How can we predict when the sky will be dark?
-How can we light our way in the dark?
-How can we send a message using sound?

- 7 Sacraments
-The Holy Trinity
-Biblical Passages
-10 Commandments and the Beatitudes
-Liturgical seasons and church life
-Parts of Mass
-Memorized prayers and various prayer forms
-We prepare for and celebrate First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion

Reading & Writing
-Ask and answer questions to determine meaning of text
-Phonological/phonemic awareness
-Coventions of standard English
-Explain major differences between stories and informational text
-Know and use various text features
-Vocabulary acquistion and use

3rd Grade

-Understand properties of multiplication, and the relationship between multiplication and division
-Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify, and explain patterns in arithmetic
-Develop understanding of fractions
-Solve problems involving meaurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects
-Geometry: area, perimeter, geometric shapes, planes and 3D

-How do weather and climate affect our lives?
-Predict patterns of motion
-How can we protect animals when their habitat changes?

-God calls us to faith
-Biblical timelines
-God's plan is a plan of love
-How to read the Bible
-The Holy Rosary-The Mysteries of the Rosary
-Daily prayer and special intentions-how and why we pray
-Celebrating and living our faith

Reading & Writing
-Key ideas and details
-Craft and structure
-Integration of knowledge and ideas
-Range of reading and level of text complexity
-Narrative, opinion, and informational writing
-Writing process
-Learn and practice cursive penmanship

Kindergarten-3rd Grade Social Studies

Students practice social skills:
-By using a Virtue based approach to building relationships
-By developing independence
-By building self-esteem
-By having opportunities to develop conflict management and problem solving skills
-By developing skills to respectfully express feelings, needs, and opinions

In Social Studies students learn:
-Importance of decision making
-Classroom and School rules
-How to identify their needs and wants
-To become community helpers
-About holidays and calendars

4th Grade

-Operations and Algebraic thinking
-Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
-Numbers and Operations-Fractions
-Measurement and Data
-Standards of Mathematical Practices

-How does motion energy change in a collision?
-How can we provide energy to people's homes?
-What is our evidence that we live on a changing earth?

-Participate in weekly Mass
-Go to confession two times a year
-Learn about the parts of Mass
-Seven Sacraments
-Liturgical Year
-Ordinary Time
-Theological Virtues
-Research and presentations of Saints

Reading & Writing
-Reading literature and informational text, including literary nonfiction
-Literary skills taught in context of all content areas
-Literary Elements: character, setting, plot, symbolism
-Literary Devices: metaphors, idioms, foreshadowing, personification, imagery

-1:1 Chromebooks
-Google Classroom
-Google Drive: Docs, Slides, Sheets
-Multi Media Presentation

Social Studies
-Lewis & Clark-Oregon Trail
-Washington State History and Geography
-Map Skills
-Washington Government

5th Grade

-Compare and order fraction, and decimals
-Explain in words strategies used to solve problems
-Solve multi-step word problems using a variety of strategies
-Use ratio, percent and probability
-Find the radius, diameter, area, and circumference of a circle
-Represent data on various types of graphs

-Provide fresh water to those in need
-Investigating objects in the sky
-Identify materials based on their property

-Participate in weekly Mass
-Go to confession two times a year
-Learn about the parts of Mass
-Seven Sacraments
-Liturgical Year
-Ordinary Time
-Theological Virtues
-Research and presentations of Saints

Reading & Writing
-Compose short narratives, reports, opinion and written arguments
-Practice making connections, inferences, questions, predictions, and imagery while reading
-Conventions and editing skills
-Literary devices
-Literary elements

Social Studies
-Research alternative answers to historical questions
-Examin the influence of bias on primary sources
-Appreciate divergent cultural viewpoints
-Understand cause and effect
-Find connections between economies, ideas, and events
-Evaluate the role of technology in history

4th-5th Grade Study Skills Overview

-Teach students the skills needed to take charge of their academic life
-Set high expectations for student work
-Students learn to write substantive, thorough answers to questions across curriculum
-Develop systems for note taking and studying
-Nuture and support personal integrity and character
-Integrate technology as a learning tool

It's Matilda Tim